Sunday, June 5, 2011

Memorial Day and some other updates

On Memorial Day we went and spent the day with my family. We had lunch and played at an awesome park and then hung out at my parents house.
The kids and my Dad played on the trampoline for quite a while. While David and Sydney jumped Parker sat against grandpa and they just chilled, bouncing a little up and down. I have to admit I was surprised Parker liked it. And it was SO darn cute. He put himself there.

Goofin around

Wanted to get a picture but the kids did not want to so I just had to take one really fast.

The video is grandpa and Sydney chasing each other.

I recently bought some more summery maternity shirts and I am in love with this one. Light and comfy and cute. I just had Scott snap these while we were watching the kids on the trampoline. I was almost 30 wks along, now I'm almost 31, just in case you wanted to know. :)

Parker and Sydney are starting to play with each other a little more as Parker get's older and older. Here they are reading stories. I have a picture of David and Sydney doing this at these same ages so I had to get one of Sydney and Parker too.

The other night Scott got a video of Sydney singing "Skidda ma rink a dink e dink". Um, don't know how to spell that! Anyway, she's kind of quiet since he's not right next to her so you might have to turn up the volume.


Kelly Spence said...

I LOVE that yellow top. So cute.

Janel said...

You look so good Alicia. Seriously, pregnant with your 4th and you look so tiny!

Unknown said...

You are a beautiful pregnant lady :) and I also LOVED that yellow top!

Kimberly said...

What fun pictures! You are looking so good Alicia and that top looks great on you.

Becca said...

Sydney's singing is too cute!!!