Thursday, June 30, 2011

New Boots

After living through all this rain we've been having this year I finally decided our children needed boots. Then I could send them out without fear of ruining their shoes or getting totally wet.
Thanks to my friend Stephanie K. we found out about a sale at Kohls and got Sydney's boots for $8. Woo! It was the only pair of boots they had on clearance. Then Scott bought David's a few days later for $15.
The kids sure are loving them! Even on a day with no rain they're asking if they can wear them.

Also, David loves to ride this now too small bike around. He's too big to use the pedals so he sits on it and pushes with his feet to get himself going, then lifts his legs up and balances while the bike goes. I really wish we could get him a proper bike, but it just can't happen right now.

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

What cute boots! They look like they will come in handy alot.

What a fun little bike! Emma got too small for her riding toy so Katie and Dan ended up getting a bike for her. Hopefully you guys will be able to get one for David sometime soon.