Sydney turned three years old on June 8th, and we had her birthday party on Saturday the 11th. She was so so excited for it all, especially her "pony birthday" cake. All of Sydney's extended family in the area were able to come and Sydney had such an amazing time. She was floating on air.
Super excited about her cake. I made it with boxed strawberry and rainbow chip cake and homemade frosting, and I bought those sugar flowers. I was very happy with how the cake turned out(thank you to my sis Annalise for the baking tips).
We started out playing pin the tail on the pony(yes I drew and colored that in an hour the morning of. Totally forgot to do it ahead of time!)
If you can't tell Sydney can see out the bottom of the bandana. It was pretty funny. David, Jarred and Jenna did it without peaking. :)
We handed out the goody bags after that as kind of a prize and Sydney wore her heart sunglasses to open her presents. Thank you to my family, Scott's Mom, and Jeff and Jillian for the wonderful gifts! Sydney loves them.
Being sung to...
Almost got them all!
Part of the crew...
Serious thank you to my husband who helped me so much to get everything ready. All my time was taken up with the cake and pony poster so Scott decorated, cleaned, and made this amazing watermelon frosty. Seriously you guys need to try it!
Most of the crew...
I am so excited to try this recipe. And thanks for the link to a vegan blog. I just went to it and there are some other things that look yummy. Looks like we were partying at the same time, different places. :) I thought we would make it up to WA sometime while we were here to see Nate's brother but they keep coming here. Maybe next year.
Happy Birthday to Sydney!!!!
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