Sunday, July 10, 2011

3D Ultrasound at 35 weeks

Here's a picture of my belly at 35 weeks. Now I'm 35 1/2. I really can't believe I am this close. It feels so surreal. I am still not sure I'm ready! I know the time is going to go by so fast. We are trying to get into our own place, one that currently needs a lot of work so we are busy with that, plus we have a week vacation coming up. Yes I am going on vacation! And I can't wait! I SO SO SO need one!

On Friday I had another ultra sound to check on my gall bladder and the lady was awesome and showed me baby Klair again and even did it in 3D!! I've never had that before.
That thing going across her face in the first one is her arm and hand we weren't focused on. At first the lady couldn't get any of her face because both feet were up over her head and she was holding her right foot with her right hand. She came through for us though and moved a little. :) It was so amazing seeing her again!


Hilary said...

How cool! You get such amazing detail! I'm trying to decide who she looks like :) What's going on with your gallbladder? Is everything okay?

Kimberly said...

Alicia,You look so good. You never seem to gain any weight with any of your pregnancys. How cool that you got see the baby in 3D. It's hard to tell who she looks like. I hope the rest of your pregnancy goes well.

Janel said...

You look great! Wow...the 3d ultra sound is soooo clear and detailed. Love It! Have so much fun on your vacation!

Becca said...

Precious pictures!!! You're so close!