Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Our New Ride

On June 7th Scott and I had planned on going van shopping. I was going to pick him up from work and then go over to Woodinville where there were a couple vans I found online I wanted to look at. Well I called them that morning and what'd'ya know the one day they're closed is Tuesday.

So I marked a couple on the list that were in Everett that we could look at, and I thought, maybe I'll just do one more search online to make sure we found all the Honda Odyssey's/Toyota Sienna's with in our price range, and desired mileage and years. Well I found this Honda EX-L that was at the lower end of what we wanted. A 2005. And with 100,000 miles, a little more than we originally wanted, but for some reason it just jumped out at me and so I added it to the list.

So we go to one dealer with a odyssey LX and Scott really liked it mostly because it was the first one that didn't smell funny/bad. I didn't feel any excitment for it at all. Just had more room, that's all. I assured him we needed to go see the one I'd just added to the list cause I knew we would like it.

When we sat in that van we were both like, "Um, yes please!" After test driving it and goggling over all it's gadgets we went inside and BOUGHT IT!! I knew if we didn't snatch it up someone else would, and I really wanted it. Scott did too.

Some features we love:
Leather Seats
DVD player with wireless head phones
GPS tracking system
Reverse driving camera so you never run over anything
6 CD disc changer
Second row windows that roll down
8 Seater(we removed the one to make bucket seats in the middle-for now)
A mirror for watching the kids with out turning around
Sun Roof
Heated front seats
Built in sun shades that can be pulled up out of the door
Third row seats that fold INTO the floor.

Yes, we are all in LOVE. And are so grateful to FINALLY have a vehicle to fit our family size!
So much room!
 Sorry I forgot to take a picture of the outside. It's a light bluish slate color. I LOVE the color.

Just for kicks here's a picture of the oldest kids in their church clothes. We just gave that dress to Sydney for her birthday.


Kelly Spence said...

Nice! Can't wait to have a van!

Annalise said...

Love the last pic of David and Sydney, they're both so grown up!

And congrats on getting a van, you soooo needed it!!!

Kimberly said...

What a nice van! I'm sure this will be a vehicle that you guys will keep for a while.

What a great picture of Sydney and David. They both look very nice.

Becca said...

Yay!!!!! (And super cute picture of David & Sydney)

Janel said...

Congrats on the van, it sounds like you found the perfect one. Very very exciting! I love Sydney's pink dress, she is so cute and so is David!

Jake and Melanie said...

Yay for a van! We love our van!!

Hilary said...

Yay!! And David and Sydney look so cute!!

Anonymous said...

hooray! I'm glad you found a van you love... I don't know how you did it with something smaller and 3 kids! I'm wanting a van and I'm only expecting #2 - though the baby seat only fits in the middle of our back seat in our little civic, and Kassie's seat won't fit next to it that way. Love Sydney's little dress. Everytime I see pictures of your kids, I wish we lived closer.

Tawnee said...

That Sunday pic of your kids is adorable! They're so beautiful!!

Katie Phillips said...

How fun!!! I'm jealous! We were shopping for a van earlier this year cause our car might keel over and die any day, but I just had a feeling that we should wait and save the money. Glad that I waited!! :) I didn't know vans could do all the things you said! Way cool! :)

Stelle said...

A lot of people love leather seats, since they are easier to clean than carpet seats. Your kids are loving it! And the seats that roll down are a big comfort during long trips. They look great with those church dresses. It seems they will be models soon. :)

>Stelle Courney