Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Some Summer Weather and Fun

Last Friday was a nice day and I finally had my double stroller out of storage so I took the kids for a walk. We went for about an hour and David never tired or complained. What a trooper!!
We went walking around the neighborhood that now stands where our 'farm' that I grew up on used to be. Behind the stroller is an area that has been preserved for wild life and water, and I'm pretty sure it's the area my cousins and I played at a lot that we called "Deer Creek". It is comforting, and heart breaking to see it now.

With the warmer weather we've started making yogurt popcicles again. Something Parker is loving!

Monday was in the mid 70's and so we broke out the sprinkler for the first time...ever. Having lived in an apartment complex up until we came here in the fall we've NEVER been able to play in the sprinkler with the kids! It was so much fun! David and Sydney got more and more brave and were just having a blast. I absolutely LOVE watching my kids try new things and having fun. Parker was mostly cranky due, I think, to teething. So he just sat next to me while I took pictures.

I like this picture of David where you can't see his eyes, but you can his smile. If only I'd had it slightly to the left.

Running through the sprinkler in big circles.

I took this while saying, "Ready, Set, Go!!"


Julia said...

oh my goodness that one of davids smile is so cute! And I'm glad It's getting warmer, I miss you! and all the kids, my goodness they are just the cutest things ever. maybe we'll have to do a short skype session when you are at mom and dads just so we can see eachother and say hi!

Becca said...

I LOVE the sprinkler! How fun!!!