I'm posting a little earlier than I normally do because I know I don't have internet at home yet.
Klair arrived at 5:46pm on Friday August 12 2011. She weighed more than our first three at 9lbs, and is 21 inches long.
Klair is beautiful. She is also kinda funny. She goes from being perfectly content to screaming in a second. She also will not let me or anyone else put her down. As I type she's sleeping up against me in my bed. She's also a very good nurser and loves to suck. She hates the hospital pacifier though so a lot of the time she wants to be sucking on the knuckle of my pinkie. It's made it a bit hard to get good pictures of her with her being so close and my hands busy keeping her happy. She also get's startled so easily. I have to hold her arms down while she sleeps or she will not sleep. Right now I'm typing as fast as I can because this is the first time I've had both hands free(except when the nurses hold her for a minute). I have some ideas though on what to do once we get home. I'm not too worried. I'll let you know how it goes.
Read on if you would like Klairs birth story...(more pictures below)
I woke up Friday morning and noticed I'd just lost my mucus plug, mild contractions starting right after. They continued throughout the day, getting stronger but still more annoying than painful, about 15-20minutes apart. I know my body and I knew we'd be in the hospital later that day or night so I started getting kids bags and mine together. I also had to make a morning trip to the hospital for some non stress tests and ultrasound because I was "over due". I almost cancelled but decided to go. At 2:00 I was pretty sure my water was broken and was leaking very slowly. And at that time the contractions went to being painful, where I had to stop what I was doing, and closer together, about 5 minutes. I could have thrown the kids in the car, dropped them off at our friends who were going to watch them for the night, and driven to the hospital myself. Telling Scott to meet me there since he works in Everett already. That didn't sound appealing and Scott get's off work at 2:30 so I decided to wait thinking we had a few hours at least. He didn't get home until after 3 because of traffic, then we had to go the long way to drop the kids off. By then my contractions were pretty dang painful and I began to be worried we were pushing it too close. By what I've experienced in the past I thought I'd be a 6 when we arrived at the hospital. So we arrive in valet parking just before 4. Scott runs in to grab a wheel chair and the guy at the valet desk walks slowly out looking weirdly at me. He opens the driver door and says their not taking any more cars for the day. I said "are you kidding me? You closed?" He says, they stop at 4, looked very annoyed but said he guessed they'd take this one more. But in the future no matter what, they stop at 4. I look at the clock and look back at him and say "It's 3:57". And he's like, oh then I guess we have to take it anyway then. WOW. Scott arrives back and we head in. There's someone being admitted so Scott wheels me around the corner to the triage desk and and they say we have to check in at admitting first. Well duh except I don't know how much time we have! They take my name and start getting ready for me. They take me back while Scott waits to check in. They check me and I'm a 4. I felt relieved because I thought we had enough time then for me to still get an epidural. I couldn't get it right away though because the anesthesiologist is busy in the OR. I was really confused though because I'd never been in that much pain at a 4 before. Scott joins me and they take us to our room. It seemed like I was dying and the couple times they checked me after that I was STILL at a 4. I also made sure they knew that with my last baby I went from a 6 to 10 in just 15 minutes. I waited for over an hour for the anesthesiologist. They did give me that pain medicine that just takes some of the edge off the pain and that did help a little. And I mean, a little. Finally he comes and I'm so relieved. They checked me just before and I'm a 6. I thought we'd barely get it working in time like we did with Parker. But I was in SO much agony I could not hold still for the life of me. I tried so hard. Scott said they tried an agonizing 4 times before they could get it in. The whole time I felt like I should already be pushing. I admit the pain was so bad I was feeling panicky and terrified. I've never felt such horrible pain in my life. He gave me one dose, but they checked me and I was a 9 and could hardly stand not to push so there was no time to truly get the epidural pump hooked up and working. I pushed about 4 times, not really waiting between each one, and after they ensnared her left shoulder that got stuck, she was born. It felt SO good to be done! The only good thing about the experience was that Klair was perfectly healthy and under NO stress towards the end. Something that has happened with our previous three. And the one dose I got kicked in in time to get stitched up. Very happy about that! Klair got to come to me after only a couple minutes and nurse skin to skin for like an hour. I was really happy about that too because with our other three that was not possible for various reasons. I'm glad I got Klair out of that experience. It was worth it for that. Not what I wanted or expected, but I went through it for her. If and when we decide to have more kids though, I'm going to make sure we get to the hospital sooner!
Awww...I love it.
My parents came to visit a few hours after she was born. Scott's parents are out of town so they haven't met her yet!
Scott brought the kids the next morning and they were all really excited. Even Parker was. Sydney was the most though. She just wanted to be right up in her face, touching her and talking about her the whole time.
Oh I love it! I've been so excited to see more pictures of Klair! Thanks so much for putting these up only a few days after having her! I'm impressed :)! I'm glad everything went well, even if it wasn't quite how you planned. We sure miss you guys and can't wait to see you again! Hopefully soon!
Congratulations! Thankyou for taking the time to do a blog post. All of these pictures of Klair are so cute.
What an incredible story. I don't know if I could endure pregnancies without an epidural. Great job!
it's really amazing how every experience can be sooo different. i'm glad she came out so healthy; what a great tradeoff. congrats again!
CONGRATULATIONS!!! So glad she's here and healthy. It's funny to look back on my last birth and think of things I would have done differently, but then I'm like, "well, I did it, and it's done, so who cares?" Good work, Alicia! Miss you guys! Allison
You have such a beautiful family! I love the picture of all your kids around Scott holding Klaire and David is scratching his head like "Huh. Now what?" haha Love it! Sorry you weren't able to get an epidural. I know how painful it is to do it without. Way to go!
Congrats! She is so sweet!
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