Last Saturday was my 28th birthday. It was probably one of the more interesting birthdays I've had. It started out just like a normal birthday. I woke up to this...
But shortly after waking up people were arriving to help us bring in and spread 7 truck loads of top soil. It was exciting. I have been wanting a usable lawn since we moved here almost two months ago. But my role in all this was to take care of the kids by myself for the whole day. So it wasn't any more relaxing than a normal week day for me. I did get to chat with my friends Aileen and Katie though and that was nice since I don't see them that much.
David didn't like how loud the tractor and dump truck were.
This guy spent the week prior prepping the yard for the top soil. He spent two days just taking all the extra dirt and grass/weeds away. And he was really nice. Scott found him on craigslist!
Sydney enjoyed digging in the newly spread top soil... :)
Parker enjoyed watching from a distance.
It was delicious! Chocolate cake wrapped up with chocolate ice cream. Thanks Peggy!
I then went to our church's Relief Society broadcast and Scott and our dad's didn't get finished with the yard until right before I got home about 6:30pm! Scott and I then fed the kids and put them to bed and finally got out for my birthday dinner date at 8:15pm. It was a crazy day, but I'm so grateful for my husband and mother in law who helped to make it still feel somewhat like my birthday and am grateful to have grass growing outside now! yay!
Happy late birthday! I'm glad you were able to spend a little bit of time celebrating it. That rolled up cake sounds and looks pretty yummy.
How exciting that grass is growing in your yard. Before you know it, all of it will be all grown in. What a great sized yard too. From looking at the house in aerial view, the lot doesn't look that big, but I can tell it is by looking at these pictures.
How fun for you guys!! We just got grass for the back yard a couple weeks ago (we've been in our house for 4 yrs now, don't ask!) Isn't it so nice to have grass??!!!
Happy late birthday to you. When I saw our grass going down I was pretty excited, Christmas excited. So give it this all happened on your birthday, what a great birthday present!
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