Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

We've had so much fun with Halloween this year. So many parties and friends.

Here's the kids before the Trunk or Treat at our church. Klair is a bat. If you raise her arms she has little wings!

David wasn't too excited about the costume parade. Didn't really get it I guess.

There were some fun activities for the kids in each class room...

Poor Parker wasn't feeling very good and Scott held him most of the time.

This afternoon we carved pumpkins. I think that's the latest we've ever waited. The kids had fun picking what they wanted their face to look like. David even drew his own on the pumpkin. His is the far right in the above picture. I love cleaning out pumpkins, so I did that on ours and then Scott carved it.

After Trick or Treating! The kids were so happy of course. Scott took them around, and they had to be bundled up a little more than for the trunk or treat. I wish we got a picture of Parker. He didn't go with them but he sat down with them and had fun going through the candy.


Kimberly said...

What fun and cute costumes. I love your pumpkin faces too.

I bet you love having a neighborhood right there inside of having to drive all the way up to bayview ridge to go trick or treating.

Kelly Spence said...

Yeah, our kids are at fun ages for Halloween. Your kiddos got lots of candy! Was it very cold? We could only stand about one block then we (more like I) was too cold to go on.
I am sure next year we will head up to WA sometime. We will move to Oregon most likely and Nate's brother is in Vancouver area. Not sure if that is anywhere close but doesn't matter we'd still come see you. :) It has been too long.

Annalise said...

Cute, cute kiddos!

Becca said...

CUTE costumes!

Janel said...

Your kids look so cute in their costumes. Alicia you are like super mom, really!